Pension for Nurses?


From the beginning of civilization, pension has been essential for everyone, particularly for older people. Its ability to provide income for people who are no longer able to work makes it one of the most desired employee benefits. It is also normal to see many people consider the pension plan before committing to an organization on the long run. Employers in return will normally use the pension scheme amongst other benefits to attract the most experienced staffs. The options available in pension scheme are work place pensions, personal pensions, government pensions (depending on country)

The nursing industry is huge and there are several issues confronting it ranging from compensation, bonus and retirement benefits such as pensions, which are leading to the shortage of nurses. This paper looks at pension and the nursing profession.

An Overview

University of Glasgow added that nursing used to be a voluntary role offered by servants or family members until when it became necessary to start up a formal training program for nurses. The training program for a nursing course is usually very rigorous and the professional requirement is usually high. Demaria added that, nursing has being a female dominated profession but the population of males joining the profession is increasing steadily.

Unsatisfactory Working Condition

Center for Health Program Development and Management stressed that nurses have received lower benefits (including pension) and worked for longer hours in comparison with other professions and their salary scale is not competitive enough. Barnett argued that the compensation concern as well as retirement benefits such as pension are leading to the shortage of nurses, increasing the rate of turnover and movement to other professions.


The nursing profession has contributed positively to the growth of the health care industry. All the issues discussed of which pension is part of must be well tackled in order to attract workers, thereby improving the health care system and dealing with the shortages of staffs. Employees in the nursing profession deserve to be given a befitting pension program after the long years of service. The end of service benefits including pensions should be well-matched with other professions.