Argumentative Essay Abortion Debate

There are going to be times when your teacher, or professor, assigns you a challenging essay topic that is difficult for you to write about. One of the most challenging writing tasks can be to compose an argumentative essay on a controversial topic. This can be increasingly difficult because of the fact that sometimes you will need to argue a side that you do not necessarily stand behind because you are given that subject as a part of your assignment. There are a number of very intricate guidelines that are required when you are composing an argumentative essay. Some of the most important elements of writing an argumentative essay include:

  • Research the given topic
  • Collect and evaluate the evidence that you have found on the topic
  • Write an effective and pointed thesis statement for the stance you have chosen to argue in your paper
  • Include easily identifiable transition sentences from each paragraph to the next
  • Support your argument with facts, not emotions or opinions
  • Conclude your paper with a clear and concise conclusion statement that wraps up the thesis and evidence provided in a strong way

These are just some of the elements of an argumentative essay about the subject matter of abortion.

If you are writing an argumentative essay on the subject of abortion, you may find it difficult to choose a side. It is vital to the success of your argumentative essay that you choose a side to argue. It becomes too complicated for the reader if you argue both sides. Therefore, once you select a side to argue, you will then support your argument with facts and statistics in order to make a concrete argument. You will not be able to support your argument with emotions and opinions because they are easily discredited. Instead only provide factual information that is collected from credible sources. This way your argument will be strong and able to withstand any challenge that someone might pose to you.

If you are writing an argumentative essay about the abortion debate, then you might want to reference some of the below information:

  • The physical implications of abortions
  • How abortions can be positive OR how abortions can be negative
  • What are the reasons for or against abortion
  • In history what has been the overall consensus on the topic of abortion
  • What are the current laws on abortion

These are just a few of the most important elements on the topic of abortion.
